Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Stranger's Heart

Technicolored life, but all I can see is black and white.
Overpopulated school, but I only search for you in this crowded room.
Without knowing what you did, you took a weak part of me that will always draw me to you.
Strong admiration, good intentions, peer pressure interests;
My feelings don't change one bit.
Creepy in a way, but flattering altogether.
Don't drown from the words, instead take them all and carry them with you.
You'll probably never understand, nor ever see this, but if you do, I hope you'll think that it's you.
When you look my way, I always try to look away as fast as I could.
Wishing every morning to see you,
Just to get a glimpse of you.
It may seem stalker-ish, but really I'm just interested.
I think I'm giving away too much, maybe I should just give up.
Watching from afar, it gets tiring everyday.
Seeing you with the girl you like, it shouldn't even matter, but part of me aches everytime; so I look away.
Assuming that you feel something too, but doubtful because it's impossible.
You set yourself as a person with high standards, but I see someone who's reaching out for a hand that understands.
Walking confidently, being quiet all the time, responsible actions;
I see them all, a stranger's heart as pure as gold.
I know this is pointless, stupid, and nonsense;
It's just that, you struck something in me.
A somewhat poem, but really I can't write one.

Calm down, this is just a phase. I'll get over it. Don't flatter yourself too much. Don't get ahead of yourself. :) lol

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